
Depending on the vehicle you have selected, this feature may not be available.

Quicklists are saved lists of part types related to a particular repair or service process that pull the same part types for any vehicle.

For example, you could create a quicklist that contains a water pump, gasket, and thermostat. Then, each time the quicklist is opened from within a catalog, it will display the detailed part information for the water pump, gasket, and thermometer that apply to that vehicle.

Tip: Quicklists are shared between users at a dealership. Any changes will affect all users.

You can create, modify, save, and delete quicklists. Authorized distributor users can mark a quicklist as "public," making the list available to all users in that distributorship. Only authorized users can modify distributor quicklists.

Note: the part codes used in quicklists are exclusive to each dataset. If you are a multi-OEM dealership, you will need different groups of Quicklists for each dataset you use.

Viewing a Quicklist

  1. Select a catalog.
  2. Click the Open Quicklists button on the picklist tool bar.

Tip: Quicklists created by a distributor will have a Shared icon.

  1. Click an available Quicklist in the left pane. The right pane displays all parts from the current catalog that match the quicklist criteria.

Note: For parts that are defined in a quicklist, but not available in the currently selected catalog, the part in the list will be greyed out and marked as "Not Found."

  1. Click the Add to Picklist icon next to a part to add the part to the current picklist. To add all quicklist parts to the picklist, click the Add all to Picklist icon at the top.
  2. Click Close to close the window.

Tip: Quicklists use Part Codes to establish the type of part you are seeking in any given vehicle. Depending on the dataset, part codes may also be called Base Numbers, PNCs, or Reference Numbers.

Creating a New Quicklist

  1. Select a catalog, and add parts to your picklist as the basis for the Quicklist.
  2. On the tool bar above the picklist, click the Save button.
  3. In the Save Picklist window, click the Save as Quicklist hyperlink on the bottom left.
  4. The Manage Quicklists window opens. Enter a Quicklist Name and select a Group, if desired.
  5. All the part codes and descriptions from the picklist appear in the right-hand pane.
  6. To add other cross-vehicle part types that will search for applicable matches as you change vehicles, type additional Part Codes and press Enter after each one.
  7. To add static parts which will not change part number, quantity or name as you choose different catalogs, click the Add Part button at the bottom and manually enter the information.
  8. Click Save.

Modifying a Quicklist

Quicklists are shared between users at a dealership. Any changes will affect all users.

Select Manage Quicklists from the Manage menu. The Manage Quicklists window lists any saved Quicklists in the left pane, and lets you modify, rename, or delete saved Quicklists. The contents of the selected quicklist are displayed in the right pane.

Feature Function
Indicates a distributor quicklist. Only authorized users can create, modify, or delete a distributor quicklist.
+ Group Adds a new quicklist group which you can name to organize your quicklists.
+ Quicklist Adds a new blank quicklist.
Part Codes Manually enter any part codes you want included in the quicklist and press Enter after each one. Depending on the dataset, part codes may also be called Base Numbers, PNCs, or Reference Numbers.
Click this icon to add the part to the current picklist. After the part is added to the picklist, the icon changes to a green check mark .
Click the Delete button next to a part in the quicklist to remove the part from the quicklist.
Add Part Manually add a part to the quicklist. You must enter the part number, quantity, and description. This is a static part which will not change with the selected vehicle.
Save Saves your changes.
Delete Deletes the selected quicklist.
Close Closes the window.

Click an option below to see details.

Deleting a Quicklist

  1. Select Manage Quicklists from the Manage menu. The Manage Quicklists window opens.
  2. Click the quicklist you want to delete. Click the Delete button on the right pane.
  3. Click Yes at the confirmation prompt.